The importance of proper aftercare cannot be stressed enough. By following our aftercare instructions, you will be able to protect yourself against excess scarring and infection, while ensuring your piercing heals quickly and looks great for the rest of your life. Keeping your new piercing clean is the foremost important practice for you to prevent infection. Neglect will cause you to struggle with your new piercing; therefore, aftercare is provided to assist you in the cleaning process. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. At Creation Body Piercing, we offer free check-ups whether you’ve had your piercing done with us or elsewhere, and whether you’ve had it for 2 days or 20 years.


  •  Give your piercing a good spray/mist with the Wound Wash and let soak for 30sec to 1min to loosen up any dry matter.
  • Spray Q-tip with Wound Wash and gently wipe away any dry matter with the Q-tip.
  • Spray the piercing again with Wound Wash and let soak for another 30sec to 1min. 
  • Let air dry.


DO NOT touch your new piercing with unwashed hands, EVER.

DO NOT play with your new piercing.

DO NOT use Polysporin, Neosporin,

Hydrogen Peroxide, alcohol, or any other product to clean your piercing without first consulting your piercer.

DO NOT use alcohol-based mouthwash to clean oral piercings.

AVOID hot tubs, bath tubs, pools, saunas, lakes, etc. for at least 4 weeks after

getting pierced as they contain high levels of bacteria.

  • Sea salt has natural antiseptic properties but is mild enough not to disrupt your body’s natural chemistry.
  • We recommend soaking your piercing with a sea salt solution.
  • It is very important that you use sea salt and not regular table salt. Table salt has iodine added to it which is not appropriate for healing piercings.
  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Place sea salt in the water.
  • Let the solution cool to a warm but comfortable temperature.
  • Drench a cotton ball in the salt solution and hold it on the piercing for 3-5 minutes.
  • Afterwards, use a Q-tip or another cotton ball to remove any dried matter from around the piercing.
  • Repeat this process 2-3 times a day for the first 2 weeks and then once a day for the following 4 weeks.


• Piercings have their ups and downs. Don’t be discouraged if your piercing seems fine one week, and not so great the next.  Keep up with your aftercare and contact us if you have questions or concerns.

• Moving or playing with your jewelry is NOT recommended, as it causes redness, irritation, and prolongs the healing process.

• Bleeding, bruising, discoloration and swelling are all normal symptoms and do not necessarily indicate an infection.

• Tenderness, soreness, stinging and burning sensations are also common.The secretion of fluids (whitish-yellow which forms a crust) containing blood plasma, lymph and dead cells indicates healing, not infection.

• Once your piercing is healed it may secrete a semi-solid, white, malodorous substance called sebum. Again, this is very normal and common and does not indicate an infection. Avoid baths, hot tubs, swimming pools, saunas, lakes, etc. for the first three weeks after being pierced as they contain bacteria which can increase the risk of infection.

• If you think you have an infection, keep your jewelry in! This is very important as your jewelry will allow accumulating pus to drain. If taken out, the holes of your piercing can close, resulting in an abscess.

• Do NOT use Polysporin, Neosporin, hydrogen-peroxide, rubbing alcohol or any other product to clean your piercing without first consulting your piercer.


Choose one of the following oral rinses to use for rinsing your new piercing:

  • ORAL-B Anti-Bacterial (alcohol free)

  • CREST Pro-Health (alcohol free)

  • LISTERINE Zero (alcohol free)


  • You MUST rinse EVERY TIME you put anything in your mouth. This includes food, drinks, lip chap, cigarettes/vapes, fingernails, etc.
  • The only things you do not need to rinse after consuming are water/ice.
  • It is not uncommon for a slight discoloration of the tongue around the piercing to occur.  To remedy this, dilute the rinse with water.

AVOID beer, alcohol, yogurt, cheese and spicy or citrus foods for the first 2 weeks.

AFTER 3 WEEKS we recommend that you come back to the studio to purchase a shorter barbell for your new piercing.

REMEMBER your new piercing is considered an open wound.  Be extremely mindful of any oral contact for 6 weeks.

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• Swelling is normal. You can help decrease it by sucking on ice or taking an Advil or Motrin. Swelling usually lasts for a few days to a few weeks. This can be due to any number of factors including recent, unrelated sicknesses (cold or flu).

• Bleeding, tenderness, discomfort, aching, pinching and tightness for several days is normal. Liquid yellowish secretions indicate healing, not infection.

• Plaque sometimes forms on the jewelry. It can be removed carefully with your toothbrush.

• To keep from losing your jewelry, tighten your barbell everyday. Righty tighty, lefty loosey.

• Stay away from beer, dairy products that contain bacteria (such as yogurts and cheeses) as well as spicy or citrus foods for the first three weeks as some of the contents of these products may cause problems with your fresh piercing.

• Your new piercing is considered an open wound. Be extremely mindful of any oral contact for six weeks.